
Adding a Proxy Certificate in Windows Subsystem for Linux

This week I was having an annoying issue trying to use the requests library from Python – my corporate proxy is doing SSL inspection and HTTPS traffic was failing due to SSL errors. After some googling, troubleshooting, and head-smashing – I found a solution. That should be it! From here on you can test with…

The Lazarus Heist by Geoff White

I just finished The Lazarus Heist by Geoff White I loved the book. It was a great supplement to the podcast by the same author and of the same title. The audiobook is read by the author which really adds that additional element in an audiobook. The content is additive to the podcast but not a…

Home Lab – SIEM

I chose to use an ELK stack for ease of use (lol). In actuality ELK is free and has a lot of configurations available. I don’t love it and would rather use Splunk or something else – but it is good practice and it works fine. I might build something like Security Onion on top…

Home Lab – Networking

All of the readers of this blog – and by that I mean myself only – know that I recently moved to a new home. After lugging my server rack across the country, I had to take the time to assemble everything and to do it a little better this time. First comes the wiring.…

HackTheBox – Love

Enumeration: NMAP: Enum4Linux: Nikto: Dirb: Outputted a long text file but the only thing interesting is that there http://love.htb/admin/ was available – this is useful later Getting Foothold: The enumeration stage revealed 2 interesting tidbits: is a valid subdomain love.htb/admin/ is apparently an admin login port 5000 was open So naturally the first step…

Remediating OWASP Vulnerabilities

For my Software Security class we were given the task of remediating vulnerabilities in the OWASP Wacko Picko web server. This is an intentionally vulnerable and broken web server with quite a few intentionally bad bits of code. The code for this box can be found here: Problems Session ID Vulnerability Definitions [] This vulnerability…

TryHackMe – Attactive Directory

This is a write-up I did after working through this CTF: Tools: Impacket:Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. Impacket is focused on providing low-level programmatic access to the packets and for some protocols (e.g. SMB1-3 and MSRPC) the protocol implementation itself. Packets can be constructed from scratch, as…

Simple Powershell Scripts pt.2

This is a simple script I wrote today to send an email when a specific service is no longer running. I’ve been having issues with Veeam randomly stopping the SQL service and I built this to send, on a scheduled task, a message via Google’s open SMTP and an app password on my MFA protected…


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